Craig A. Cunningham. 2021. John Dewey and curriculum studies. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.
Craig A. Cunningham, 2017. "Technology for Democracy and Education in the 21st Century,” a chapter in John Dewey’s Democracy and Education: A Centennial Handbook, Leonard J. Waks & Andrea R. English (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Available:
Craig A. Cunningham. 2016. "Dewey on Educational Research and the Science of Education,” a chapter in Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, Michael A. Peters (ed.). Springer-Verlag Singapur. (Available:
Cunningham, Craig A. (2016). The Digitalization of the University. In Higher Education and Society (Devitis, J. L. and P. A. Sasso , eds.). New York: Peter Lang.
&concordeid=312870Granger, David A.; Cunningham, Craig A.; and Hansen, David T. (2015) "In Memoriam: Philip W. Jackson, December 2, 1928–July 21, 2015, A Life Well Lived," Education and Culture: Vol. 31: Iss. 2, Article 1.
Sytems Theory for Pragmatic Schooling: Toward Principles of Democratic Education, PalgravePivot, 2014. Introduction available:
Cunningham, C. A. (2014), Book review, of Education 2.0: The Learningweb Revolution and the Transformation of the School. Educational Theory, 64: 409–417. doi: 10.1111/edth.12071
“A Systems Approach to Thinking about the Complexity of Identity Emergence in Public Schools,” a paper presented to the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society, Bergamot Conference Center, September, 2013.
Internet Filtering in Schools: What’s at Stake, an invited presentation to the Art Institute of Chicago's Teachers Lounge, Chicago, February, 2013. (Video here: and
21st Century at Hillel Torah, an invited presentation to the faculty and administration of Hillel Torah, Skokie, October, 2012.
Cunningham, C. (2011). Cultivating Unique Potential in Schools: Revisioning Democratic Teacher Education . In J. Kincheloe and R. Hewitt (Eds.), Regenerating the Philosophy of Education: What Happened to Soul? New York: Peter Lang.
Seltzer-Kelly, Deborah L., Serina Cinnamon-Morrison, Craig A. Cunningham, Suzanne T. Gurland, Kalinda Jones and Shannon Lindsay Toth. 2011. (Re)Imagining Teacher Preparation for Conjoint Democratic Inquiry in Complex Classroom Ecologies. Complicity 8(1): 5-27. Available:
/issue/view/571.Cunningham, Craig A. and Kim Harrison. 2010. The Affordances of Second Life for PreK-12 Education. In Teaching through Multi-User Virtual Environments: Applying Dynamic Elements to the Modern Classroom (pp. 94-119), edited by Giovanni Vincenti and James Braman. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
"How Would a Focus on Unique Potential Transform Schools?," A paper presented to the Chaos and Complexity SIG of AERA, Denver, May 2010
"The Cultivation of Unique Potential in Public Schools," A paper presented to the Spirituality and Education SIG of AERA, Denver, May 2010
Cunningham, Craig A. and Briana Allen. 2010. Philosophical Questions about Learning Technologies: A Ground-Map. In Richard Bailey, David Carr, Robin Barrow and Christine McCarthy (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education (pp. 481-502). London: SAGE.
Cunningham, C. A. (2010). Transforming schooling through technology: 21st century approaches to participatory learning. In A. G. Rud, J. Garrison, & L. Stone (Eds.), Dewey at 150: Reflections for a new century (pp. 40-49). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press. (Also available in a special issue of Education and Culture, Vol 25, no. 2)
Cunningham, Craig A. 2009. "What is Democratic about New Instructional Technologies?" a paper delivered at the European Conference on Educational Research, Vienna (October).
Cunningham, Craig A. 2009. Review of David Granger, John Dewey, Robert Pirsig, and the Art of Living: Revisioning Aesthetic Education Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2006, ISBN 978-1-4039-7402-0. In Studies in Philosophy and Education (Online): Available:
Cunningham, Craig A. 2008. "Book Review: Richard Shusterman, Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics," Education and Culture 24 (2): 54-59.
Cunningham, Craig A. 2008. "REVIEW ARTICLE: Artful Writing about Artful Living; Review of David Granger's John Dewey, Robert Pirsig, and the Art of Living." Journal of Philosophy of Education. 42 (2): 333-340.
Cunningham, Craig A., Louanne Smolin, Sarah McPherson, Kimberly a. Lawless, Josh Radinsky, Scorr W. Brown, and Nicole Zumpano. 2008. "Higher education institutions as partners for technology professional development," in Transforming classroom practice: professional development strategies in educational technology, edited by Arlene Borthwick and Melissa Pierson. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.
Craig A. Cunningham, David Granger, Jane Fowler Morse, Barbara S. Stengel, and Terry Wilson (2007) "Dewey, Women, and Weirdoes: or, the Potential Rewards for Scholars who Dialog across Difference", Education and Culture: Vol. 23: No. 2, Article 3.
Several articles in Moral Education [Two Volumes]: A Handbook. 2008. F. Clark Power, Ronald J. Nuzzi, Darcia Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley, Thomas C. Hunt (Eds.). Westport, CT: Praeger. (Articles by me include: American Institute for Character Education, Association for Values Research, Character Education Movement, Characteriological Research, Hugh Hartshorne, and Mark May.
The ELVEN Institute: Building the preK-12 Educational Community in Second Life, a presentation to the Second Life Community Convention, August 26, 2007, Chicago.
Goal-based Scenarios for Online Teacher Education, roundtable at 23rd Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison WI, Auigust 8-10, 2007.
Using Second Life to Support the Professional Development of Chicago Public School Teachers and Librarians, presentation to annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Division K invited session, April 2007 in Chicago.
Character Education in Public Schools: The Search for a Suitable Ontology, paper given at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Moral Education SIG), at its annual meeting in April, 2007 in Chicago.
"In Search of the Extra-ordinary in the Ordinary: Philip Jackson and/on John Dewey." In A Life in Classrooms: Philip W. Jackson and the Practice of Education, May 2007; David T. Hansen, Mary Erina Driscoll, and René V. Arcilla, Editors. New York: Teachers College Press.
Dewey's Metaphysics and the Self: A New Look, paper given at annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March 2007, Columbia, South Carolina.
Do You Have a Second Life, a presentation at the the Illinois Technology Conference for Educators, with Lisa Perez, March 2007, St. Charles, Illinois.
Why integrate technology into NLU’s work? A talk given to Florida faculty, February 24, 2007.
Review of Meaningful Learning Using Technology: What Educators Need to Know and Do, Elizabeth A. Ashburn and Robert E. Floden (Eds.), Teachers College Press, New York, in Teachers College Record, Date Published: June 09, 2006
Professional Development Opportunities for Technology Coordinators in Chicagoland, a presentation given to the Chicago chapter of Illinois Computing Educators, November 16, 2005.
Curriculum Webs: Weaving the Web Into Teaching and Learning (2/e) with Marty Billingsley, Allyn & Bacon, 2006. See the website at
"A Certain and Reasoned Art: The Rise and Fall of Character Education in America," a chapter in Character Psychology and Character Education, edited by Daniel K. Lapsley and F. Clark Power, University of Notre Dame Press, 2005.
(Purchase from Kappa Delta Pi)"Imagination of Ideal Ends," an essay in Experiencing Dewey, edited by Donna A. Breault and Rick Breault, Kappa Delta Pi, 2005.
"Dewey and F.M. Alexander," a presentation at the Philosophy of Education Society annual meeting, San Francisco, March 2005.
"Organizing Student Learning around Inquiry," a presentation at the Illinois Technology Conference for Educators, with Sharon Comstock, March 2005, St. Charles, Illinois.
"A Look at the Educational Potential of Animation," keynote address for the Disney Animation Workshop, Disney Magnet School, Chicago Public Schools, Jun 29, 2004.
"Putting Passion On-Line: A Protocol for Building Motivation into Curriculum Webs
," a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE 2004), Atlanta, March 2004.
"Some Challenges Involved in Improving Teaching with New Technologies," a talk given at various locations, Spring 2004.
The role of philosophy in curriculum development, an invited address to the Jewish Education Leadership Institute, Loyola University, Chicago, July 23, 2003.
Digital Libraries for Your Classroom, an invited address to the PT3 group at the University of Illinois, Chicago, May 17, 2003.
"The Internet as a Tool for Shared Inquiry," an article that appeared in the inaugural issue of Jewish Educational Leadership, April 2003.
The Web Institute for Teachers at the University of Chicago: Engaging Teachers in Developing Curriculum Webs, with Russ Revzan, presented at the annual meeting of the Illinois Technology Conference for Educators, February 28, 2003.
The Technology Infusion Process: A Guide to Integrating Technology into Existing Lesson Plans, a professional development workshop for Jones College Preparatory High School, Chicago IL, January 31, 2003
"Finding Useful John Dewey Resources on the World Wide Web," a series of three articles published in Insights, the newsletter of the John Dewey Society.
Workshops presented at Bronfman Jewish Education Centre (Montreal), October 22, 2002.
Curriculum Webs: A Practical Guide to Weaving the Web into Teaching and Learning, with Marty Billingsley (Boston: Allyn and Bacon; 2003). For more information see
Cunningham, C. (2002). Engaging Teachers in Building Curriculum Webs: A Promising Strategy for Re-Energizing Professionals. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Technology and Teacher Education Annual 2002 (pp. 639-640). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Cunningham, C. 2002. Finding a Role for Durkheim in Contemporary Moral Theory. Philosophy of Education Yearbook, p. 328-330. Urbana: University of Illinois. Available:
"The Internet as a Tool for Student Inquiry," an invited address to the Midwinter Conference of the Center for Jewish School Leadership, The Lookstein Center, Bar Ilan University, held at Nova Southeastern University on February 17-19, 2002.
"What Good is Educational Technology, Anyway," an invited address to the faculty of Jones Academic Magnet High School, Chicago Public Schools, at the Technology Fair on February 1, 2002.
A wide variety of short book reviews for Choice magazine, 1996-2002.
The Affordances of the Internet for Philosophy of Education Activities. Paper given at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, April 2001, Chicago.
Finding Common Grounds in Dewey: Exploring the Real Differences between Humanism and Orthodoxy, with Tamar Friedman, address given at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (John Dewey Society), April 2001, Seattle.
"Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning . . . .In Significant Ways," a talk for the teachers at Fiske School, Chicago Public School, August 29, 2001.
Cunningham, Craig A. 2001. "FEATURES - THE DIGITAL DIVIDE - Improving our nation's schools through computers and connectivity". The Brookings Review. 19 (1): 38.
Engaging Teachers in Developing Curriculum Webs, a presentation at the Rising to the Challenge Conference, October 27, 2000, Chicago Illinois.
Re-forming Education With New Technologies: A Presentation to the Board of Directors of the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE), September 14, 2000.
"The Chicago WebDocent: Collaborative Curriculum Development Involving Resources from Multiple Museums," an invited presentation to the Museum Publishing Seminar, Ottawa, Canada, June 2000.
"Teacher-Initiated, Museum-Based, Curriculum Development: A Case Study," with Anna Rochester and Michelle Warden, National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2000), June 2000.
"The Chicago WebDocent: Web-based Curriculum from Multiple Museums," with Nenette Luarca and Anna Rochester, Museums and the Web conference, April 2000.
"The Web Institute for Teachers: Engaging Teachers in Developing Web-Based Curriculum," with Ellen Diaryko and Frada Boxer. In D. A. Willis, J. D. Price, & J. Willis (Eds.), Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Proceedings 2000. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
The Significance of the Internet for Education, a talk given to the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education Professional Development Planning Group, October 9, 1999.
"The Future of Technology in Education," an address given to the teachers of HIllel Torah, Skokie, Illinois, August 24, 1999.
What Can John Dewey’s Theory of Habit Teach Us About Drug Education? a paper given to the American Educational Research Association and John Dewey Society at their annual meeting, April 1999.
Cunningham, C. A. 1998. Response: Transforming Schools in a Nation of Workers/Consumers. Philosophy of Education Yearbook, p. 508-511. Urbana: University of Illinois. Available:
Editor: Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, Michael A. Oliker, David Blacker, Craig Cunningham, and Thomas I. Stark. 1999. Proceedings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, 1997-1998. [S.l.]: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse.
"The World Wide Web and the Coming Educational Revolution," a paper given at the College of Education, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, November 13, 1997.
Cunningham, C.A. 1996. Response: Really Living in Space-Time. Philosophy of Education Yearbook, p. 30-33. Urbana: University of Illinois. Available:
The Metaphysics of John Deweys Conception of the Self, Philosophy of Education 1995: Current Issues. (Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society).
The Indeterminate Metaphysician: On Interpreting John Deweys Generic Traits, a paper given as part of a Symposium on Reconsiderations: Doing Dewey Studies Today, at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 1995.
John Deweys Metaphysics and the Self, in The New Scholarship on Dewey, edited by Jim Garrison, 175-192 (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers). This article also appeared in Studies in Philosophy and Education 13(3-4): 343-360.
Cunningham, Craig A. 1994. The moral consequences of John Dewey's metaphysics. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Dept. of Education, December 1994.
Cunningham, Craig A. 1994. Ideal Ends John Dewey's Later Vision for Education. [S.l.]: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse.
Ideal Ends: John Deweys Later Conception of Education, a paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 1994
Unique Potential: A Metaphor for John Deweys Later Conception of the Self, Educational Theory Spring 1994, 44(2): 211-224.
Cunningham, Craig A. 1993. Unique Potential A Metaphor for John Dewey's Moral Self. [S.l.]: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse.